Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q4 2024)

Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation Q4 2024
Concierge: Christina Mitchell
Patient Name: Vincent Reymann
Age: 83
Discharge From: Skyline Medical Center
Discharge to: TBD
Admit Date: 10/03/2024
Discharge date: Ongoing

Details of Experience:

Mr. Vincent Reymann was referred to our community from Skyline Medical Center for Rehab services on 10/3/2024, after an extended stay, following a two-vehicle car crash. Mr. Reymann suffered severe injuries with fractures and was followed by Ortho MD Dr. Evans. On 9/2/2024, he had an exploratory lap surgery w/SBR and Right Lower extremity debridement and external fixation. He was placed on IV antibiotics. While hospitalized, Mr. Reymann was placed on an abdominal wound vac, NG tube with suction, and was on TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) spending several days in TICU.

He was admitted to our community on 10/03/2024 to our short-term rehab unit via EMS. He was admitted with a diagnosis of weakness S/P RLE Fracture w/repair, lack of coordination, urostomy, hx of bladder CA, and Hypertension. Upon admission, Mr. Reymann was unable to transfer, walk, or tolerate sitting up in a chair. He required a moderate amount of assistance with his activities of daily living.

The next morning, Mr. Reymann met with his personal concierge and listed all of the things he liked, and that would make his stay more comfortable. After meeting with the Concierge, Therapy, Social Services, wound care, Activities Director, Nurse Practitioner and members of his nursing staff spoke with Mr. Reymann and began putting a plan of care together specifically for his needs. In Mr. Reymann’s words, “ the first couple of weeks were ROUGH”.  I was so anxious about everything and worried about my farm and if I was going to be able to get back to it, that I couldn’t see the forest for the trees.” “But you guys kept after me and encouraged me.” Slowly, Mr. Reymann was able to regain his strength and tolerance.

Mr. Reymann is a Veteran, and on Veteran’s Day there was a parade at our community and he was able to tolerate sitting up in the wheelchair to participate in the parade and attend the Veteran’s Day brunch. He is now able to stand supported for 5 minutes, performs upper body bathing and dressing, tolerates being out of bed and in a chair for at least 3 hours, and can transfer with supervision only. The progression made has been tremendous.

Although he has not been discharged as of yet, he plans to return home, to his farm. The staff here at Gallatin Center are confident this will happen soon.

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Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q2 2024)

Concierge: Christina Mitchell
Patient: Wesley Kenney
Age: 67 years old
Admitted: 5/24/24
Admitted From: Hendersonville Medical Center
Discharged: 06/14/2024
Discharged To: Home With Outpatient Rehab Services
Reason for Stay: Status Post R/Below the knee amputation (BKA)

Details of Experience:

Mr. Wesley Kenney was referred to our community for therapy and wound care from Hendersonville Medical Center after, Initial testing revealed DX: of Arterial Occlusive Disease progressing into gangrene, resulting in the amputation of his right leg.

Mr. Kenney was admitted to our community on May 24, 2024, status post Right Below Knee Amputation. He arrived at our short-term rehab unit via EMS and was greeted by his night shift nurse and CNA, who would provide his care and perform initial assessments. The next morning, Mr. Kenney met Christina, his concierge, who presented him with a welcome kit and information about CareRite’s Amputee Training and Rehabilitation Program. We then set a time for that week for him to speak one-on-one with Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler (3 time Paralympic Gold Medalists), the founders of this exclusive program for amputees.

After meeting with the Concierge, Therapy, Social Services, wound care, and Activities Director, the Nurse Practitioner and members of his nursing staff spoke with Mr. Kenney and began putting together a care plan. Upon admission, it was noted Mr. Kenney had decreased bilateral upper body strength, low endurance, and weakness in general. Goals were set to maximize Independence, endurance, and transfers and allow healing at the surgical amputation site.

During the first week at Gallatin Rehabilitation, Mr. Kenney spoke with Todd Schaffhauser via FaceTime. He had a positive outlook for his future and was eager to get started. They discussed incision healing, and the importance of mobility for maintaining independence. They also discussed follow up and Mr. Kenney shared that BULOW prosthetics would be following him. He also talked in depth with Todd about his wood working and the desire to carve his “peg leg” out of cedar. Todd gave him the name at BULOW of someone who could help him accomplish that goal.

Mr. Kenney stated that our therapy department was great during his time in our community. When I came in here, I had never been so weak in my entire life, and they were able to help me regain my strength—very quickly, too, I might add. They educated me on safety and taught me several techniques to help me safely transfer. I enjoyed working with them all.”

Upon discharge, Mr. Kenney could transfer safely and be out of bed and mobile in his wheelchair all day. He exceeded his goals of regaining strength and endurance in a short period of time. He was discharged home on June 14, 2024, with home health to continue his therapy. He will later start outpatient rehab once his incision is fully healed and his surgeon releases him to move forward with BULOW prosthetics.

We wish Mr. Kenney luck on his journey and look forward to his visit. He has assured me he will be by to show us his hand-carved cedar prosthetic once it’s finished.

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Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q4 2023)

Concierge: Christina Mitchell
Patient: Allen White
Age: 72 years old
Admitted: 9/7/2023
Admitted From: Vanderbilt Wilson
Discharged: 10/28/2023
Discharged To: Home With Outpatient Rehab Services
Length of Stay: 7 weeks

How did this patient hear about Gallatin Center? Hospital Case Manager at Vanderbilt Wilson

Details of Experience:

Allen White was admitted to Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation following an extended stay at Vanderbilt Wilson Hospital on 9/7/2023. Admitting diagnoses were DMII, Hypertension, Atrial Fibrillation, Stage III Kidney Disease, Diabetic Foot Ulcer, cellulitis of the thigh with open wound, and bilat lower extremity Lymphedema. He voiced he had traveled to the emergency room related to severe shortness of breath and weakness and was noted to have an elevated heart rate and elevated respiratory rate. A CXR was performed, revealing an improvement in the previous diagnoses of cardiomegaly ( enlarged heart ), pleural effusion, and pulmonary edema. An EKG revealed atrial fibrillation with RVR ( rapid contractions of the atria make the ventricles beat too fast ), and if the ventricles beat too fast, they can’t obtain enough blood to meet the body’s requirement of oxygenated blood. Mr. White also had blood drawn with several abnormal results requiring him to be hospitalized for further evaluation and treatment. He was placed on a telemetry monitor for his heart rhythm and his blood thinners were held due to blood in his urine. And was referred to Nephrology (Dr. Joseph J Matthews.)

When arriving at our community (Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation ), the Resident was awake and alert, able to verbalize needs and wants with clear speech. He was talkative and reported the community seemed to be a nice place to be. Mr. White commented on the cleanliness and home–like environment to staff upon initial talks. Upon admission, Mr. White was greeted by his admitting nurse and CNA, who would care for him throughout the night. In the first 24 hours of admission, Mr. White was introduced to and/or greeted by the whole team that would be caring for him during his stay, Therapists, Administrative staff, Nurse Practitioners/Physicians, Concierge, Dietary, Social Services, and his Housekeeper along with other valued team members. Mr. White was evaluated for therapy services by Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy and a plan of care was completed to meet his individualized needs.

Initially, Mr. White was weak and debilitated. He required extensive assistance with day-to-day living activities. He was unable to ambulate and needed assistance with propelling his wheelchair. Although he could feed himself, he required the setup and opening of containers at meal times. Mr. White quickly developed a good rapport with staff, especially with the therapy dept. He worked very hard to achieve small goals. At times, Mr. White would express concerns that he was worried he would not meet the goals he had set for himself to return home and that he felt the therapy was too difficult and he just didn’t know if he could do it. But those doubts would quickly be replaced with WILL. He stated, “ You have to push yourself, you have to want to get better, and I want to get better.” After several weeks of hard work and determination, Mr. White was ambulating 125 ft with just someone standing beside him. He was walking on his own. His activities of daily living were being done with supervision. Mr. White had reached his goal of going home.

On 10/28/2023 Mr. White was discharged home with home health to continue his Physical Therapy needs, as he continued to have some difficulty with bed mobility and lower body care needs. Mr. White expressed his thankfulness to the staff at Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and stated “ They did a good job on me.” “ They worked me hard. “ He was very happy to be returning home and stated before leaving “ You have to want to get better, push yourself, and trust the therapist. And that’s what I did. I wanted to get better and go home.” “ It ain’t always easy, but it works.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, Mr. White. Thank you for allowing us to help you with your rehabilitation goals. You made us Proud!

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Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q3 2023)

Concierge: Christina Mitchell
Patient: Jerry Conyer
Age: 70 yr/male
Admitted: 5/22/2023
Admitted From: Centennial Medical Center
Discharged: 6/29/2023
Discharged To: Home With Outpatient Rehab Services
Length of Stay: 5 ½ weeks
Reason for Stay: Severe Symptomatic 3-vessel Coronary Artery Disease , Myocardial Infarction, s/p Coronary artery bypass grafting x5 , placement of intra aortic balloon pump, Neuropathy, depression
How did this patient hear about Gallatin Center? Referred to Gallatin via Centennial Medical Center

Details of Experience:

Mr. Conyer was seen in the ER at Sumner Regional Medical Center for severe chest pain. EKG and labs revealed he had experienced a Myocardial Infarction. He was then given a Plavix load and was taken to the cardiac cath lab, where a cardiac cath was performed and revealed severe 3-vessel CAD with greater than 90% L) main artery stenosis, subtotal occlusion of the L) circumflex with a critical ostial lesion, as well as a high-grade right coronary artery stenosis. He was then transferred to Centennial Medical Center, and a intra aortic balloon was placed , Once stable, the next morning, Mr. Conyer underwent urgent coronary artery bypass grafting x5, free left internal mammary artery to LAD bypass (arising from saphenous vein graft to diagonal bypass) by surgeon Sreekumar Subramanian with assist per Doctors Daniel Chung and Reggie Key.

After surgery , he was then transferred to the ICU and remained intubated for several days. Mr. Conyer required a nasogastric tube for feeding and had bilateral chest tubes in place as well as a mediastinal chest tube. While in ICU, he developed cardiogenic shock, shock liver and acute kidney injury was then placed on hemodialysis.

During Mr. Conyers hospitalization he became weak, debilitated, and developed delirium and would require intense therapy,once able. He was referred to Gallatin Rehabilitation Center to receive therapy services for dx: of dysphagia, weakness, unsteadiness, cognitive deficit, and difficulty walking. And once the NG tube was removed, he was admitted to our community.

On Friday night, when he was admitted to Gallatin, he was very pale in color, barely spoke and was noticeably weak. He required extensive assistance with minor tasks, and was dependent upon staff for all ADL care. In the first 48 hrs Mr Conyer was evaluated by PT/OT and the following Monday was evaluated by ST. The first few days were rough per spouse and patient reports. Resident tired very easily and could only tolerate small amounts of therapy. He continued with a full liquid diet for a few days and was then upgraded to a mechanical soft diet. By the 4th day, improvement was noted as Mr. Conyer ‘s color improved and he began showing “pink to his cheeks.” He was sitting up in a chair for longer periods of time and his mental clarity was improving. The staff started to notice a smile on his and his wife’s face upon entering the resident’s room.

Mr. Conyer worked hard with the therapy department and did what was asked of him daily. We then began to see him ambulating with therapy and his wife remained by his side, cheering him on and supporting him every step of the way. His diet was gradually updated from a full liquid diet to a mechanical soft. After 5 weeks of therapy, It was now time to discharge. Mr. Conyer was now able to feed himself, but still required some help with dressing and toileting at times. He could ambulate at least 50 feet with turns noted, roll from side to side in bed, transfer to/from a car, He could go from a lying position to sitting on the side of the bed all with supervision.

In speaking to hm and his wife regarding his stay in our community, Mr. Conyer and his wife were very thankful to the staff. They knew he still had some hurdles to get over, but he was well on his way to achieve his utmost independence. Mr. Conyer was discharged on 6/29/2023 to return home and continue with out patient rehab.

Mr. Conyer visits us frequently at our community and ambulates all throughout the building unassisted with the use of a cane. He has friends who are now our patients and visits them as well.

We continue to wish Mr. Conyer and his wife all the best, look forward to his visits, and continue to see his improvements with his health.

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Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q2 2023)

Concierge: Christina Mitchell
Patient: Cory Bumpus
Age: 43 yr/male
Admitted: 4/27/2023
Admitted From: Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital
Discharged: 5/31/2023
Length of Stay: 4 weeks
Reason for Stay: To receive Therapy services
How did this patient hear about Gallatin Center? Referred to our community by Hospital Case Manager

Details of Experience:

Mr. Cory Bumpus was admitted to our community on 4/27/2023 from Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital with a diagnosis of Infection and Inflammatory reaction to Ventricular Intracranial Shunt, Weakness, Lack of coordination, difficulty ambulating, history of Hydrocephalus, chronic pain, and depression. The infection was noted at his chemo appointment and was taken to surgery immediately. He was referred to us due to the degree of functional deficits and complexity of co-morbid conditions. Mr. Bumpus was greeted by staff in the rehabilitation unit of our community. Welcome gifts and personal care supplies were provided. On day one, Mr. Bumpus was introduced to his personal Concierge, Nursing, and CNA.

Within the first 48 hours of arriving at our community, Mr. Bumpus had been introduced to his remaining care team, including Physician services, Rehab, Dietary, and Unit manager. PT/OT/ST were all evaluated for admission mobility, ADL care, transfers, and ambulation. Mr. Bumpus was weak and required moderate assistance with toileting hygiene, shower/bathing, and upper and lower body dressing. Mr. Bumpus required max assist with footwear donning and doffing. The resident was able to ambulate with moderate assist but only 10 ft. Transfers were not attempted related to safety concerns and medical conditions. Goals were set for Mr. Bumpus for increased independence of mobility and ADLs. Upon admission assessment, Mr. Bumpus said he liked our community and was very pleased that the staff was friendly and welcoming. He also expressed feelings of excitement that he was given a good prognosis of gaining his independence with mobility.

As one week turned into two, Mr. Bumpus worked hard with our Rehab team and was determined to be as independent as possible to return to the group home. His regaining of strength and balance was slowly returning. By week three, Mr. Bumpus was ambulating with very little to no assistance at times. By week four, he was ambulating greater than 150 ft without assistance or using an assistive device, transferring independently, and requiring supervision to set up only with ADLs. Mr. Bumpus continually rated his overall experience and satisfaction with our team as outstanding. He was very pleased to have reached his goals and was returning to his group home.

On May 31st, Mr. Bumpus was discharged from our community and returned to his group home with home health services to maintain his goals and start an at-home exercise regimen to continue his progress.

We at Gallatin Center wish him all the best with his continued journey of independent living.

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Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q1 2023)

Concierge: Christina Mitchell
Patient: Lou Ponce
Age: 85 yr/male
Admitted: 1/26/2023
Discharged: 3/11/2023
Discharged Disposition: Home with Home health services
Length of stay: 6 weeks
Reason for stay: Pain/Neuropathy/decreased mobility
How did this patient hear about Gallatin Center? Referred to Gallatin via Hendersonville Medical Center

Details of Experience:

Mr. Lou Ponce arrived to our facility here at Gallatin Center in a lot of pain. Grimacing in pain when he was being transferred from stretcher to bed. He could not tolerate for his lower extremities to be touched, even the bed linen hurt him.

Mr. Ponce admitted to Gallatin Center on Thursday 1/26/2023 from Hendersonville Medical Center. With DX: Pain to RLE, Sciatica , R) sided Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis, Pulmonary fibrosis, weakness, difficulty walking, and lack of coordination. The Concierge introduced herself, and attempted to to assist Mr. Ponce into a comfortable position, but the pain to his feet and legs was significant. I asked the nurse to medicate him with pain medication. Mr.Ponce reported to me that his first impression of our community was better than anticipated. In the first few hours of his admission, he was introduced to his primary nurse, CNA, unit manager and concierge. The next day his therapy team evaluated and a plan was implemented to meet his needs and goals. On this day he also met with the dietary manager, Nurse Practioner, and the EVS director.

From the beginning, Mr. Ponce made it known to the staff, that he would return home, and would once again return to his ball room dancing. Pain management was our number one priority in the beginning, because if you are hurting, you are unable to participate in therapy. Upon admission, Mr. Ponce reported the pain in his feet and legs was so bad, he could not stand or walk. Mr. Ponce’s responses to questions asked, ensured his first week of therapy was a rough one. But by week two, he had settled in and was feeling better, and his pain was making a turn for the better. Mr. Ponce’s initial therapy eval, revealed resident was unable to transfer, stand, or walk. He required max assist for lying to sitting on side of bed, or to go from sitting to lying position. He required moderate assistance to roll to left/right side while lying down.

After six weeks of therapy, Mr. Ponce was able to not only transfer, go from lying position to sitting on the side of bed, standing, but he could ambulate approximately 150 ft, with use of rolling walker. He was able to perform his own bathing, grooming, and required very little assist with lower body dressing. Two days before Mr. Ponce discharged from Gallatin Center, he participated in his graduation from therapy party. He was treated to his favorite meal of egg plant parmesean, and enjoyed cake and sparkling juice.

During his celebration, he told staff, “ I will continue to get better at home, and will be back to ball room dancing in 2 months, that is my goal. “ Mr. Ponce reached the goals set for him at Gallatin Center, and was discharged home with Home Health to continue to work hard and hopefully will achieve his goal of ball room dancing. 

Mr. Ponce, your friends here at Gallatin Center are behind you 100% , and cannot wait to see you dancing again.

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Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q2 2022)

Concierge: Lori Edwards
Patient Name: Linda Thomas
Patient Age: 73
Admitted From: Skyline Medical Center
Length of Stay: 105 days and counting
Reason for Stay: Septic arthritis of the right knee
How did this patient hear about Gallatin Center? A family member works in the community; the family wanted her to stay with us.

Details of Experience:

Ms. Linda was admitted to Gallatin Center with multiple health issues. Before going to the hospital, she said she had a lot of trouble with her legs and back. Her son called the ambulance, and she was transported to Skyline Medical Center. Ms. Linda required surgical intervention due to an infection in her lower limb. During her stay at Skyline, a neurosurgical intervention was performed, which consisted of drainage of the infection in her right knee.

Upon admission to Gallatin Center, the patient had a urinary tract infection and a staph infection, for which she was on a heavy dose of IV antibiotics. She was also a full body lift and in extreme pain. The patient indicated that she was not alert/aware of her surroundings when she arrived at Gallatin. Our nursing team greeted Ms. Linda, and she was evaluated by our excellent therapy staff soon after. In the beginning, she was unable to perform her ADLs (activities of daily living).

Her goals include balance, bathing, bed mobility, dressing, endurance, gait/WC propulsion, safety, strength, transfer sit to stand, and eventually ambulation, and discharging to home with her family. There have been many positive gains with her therapy. She can now transfer with a contact guard. Ms. Linda still needs moderate assistance with toileting. She is also able to walk short distances with a rolling walker. I have gotten to know Ms. Linda and watched her steadily progress. She will tell you she’s never met a stranger. She has a very sweet disposition, and I definitely enjoy visiting with her! When not in therapy sessions, Ms. Linda enjoys multiple puzzle books and doing crochet. I am tickled to hear her share her progress and discuss her goals.

She is hoping to discharge by July 4. It has been a long hard road, and she will tell you that her right leg has been the biggest challenge in her rehabilitation. When I spoke to her last week, she reported she was
doing really well. “I’ve been walking a little bit every day for the last couple of weeks, getting better and stronger.”

Until Ms. Linda is ready to return home, we will keep her on track and take great care of her.

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Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (May 2021)

Concierge: Morgan Glover
Patient’s Name: Mrs. Baker
Patient’s Age: 55
Admission Date: 4/19/21
Admitted From: Vanderbilt Medical Center
Discharge Date: 6/3/21
Discharged To: Home with daughter
Length of Stay: 6 weeks
Reason for Stay: Respiratory Failure
How did this patient hear about Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Referred from Hospital

Details of Experience:
Mrs. Baker was admitted to Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on 4/19/21 from Vanderbilt Medical Center.  Mrs. Baker was brought into the emergency department due to respiratory failure. She was assessed and put on a Bi-Pap machine. She was so weak she had difficulty dressing, grooming, and bathing. She also had decreased endurance and decreased strength. Due to these reasons, she required further Occupational Therapy in a subacute setting to increase independence with mobility, transfers, endurance, and overall safety. 

Upon admission to Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing, Mrs. Baker was greeted by the Director of Concierge, Therapy Department, Social Worker, activities, and many more to give her a warm welcome. The Therapy department assessed Mrs. Baker and made goals for her to achieve each week before her discharge. Before Mrs. Baker’s admission, she was able to walk independently and complete transfers with no assistance.  As of 4/19/21, Ms. Baker needed max assistance.  Our therapy team began working with her on breathing techniques and safely performing daily living activities. As of 4/20/21, Mrs. Baker was able to walk 15 feet.  Every day, she was getting stronger and stronger. She was very determined and highly motivated.  As of 5/01/21, Mrs. Baker improved on self-care performances, such as dressing and bathing. As of 5/10/21, Mrs. Baker was able to walk 250 feet, and by 5/17/21, the patient could walk 350 with a walker. Every week she improved tremendously! 

Mrs. Baker stated that “The Rehabilitation Department is great!” “The nursing staff is great, and all of the staff works very hard!” “It is overall a nice facility.” She was so happy to have chosen Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing! Mrs. Baker said she is ready to go home and continue everything she has learned here and get back into the church! 

Team Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing is so proud of all your hard work and dedication! We send you well wishes and know that any obstacle that comes your way, you will overcome it!

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Case Study: Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (April 2021)

Concierge: Morgan Glover
Patient’s Name: Judith McConnell
Patient’s Age: 79
Admission Date: 1/30/21
Admitted From: Hendersonville Medical Center
Discharge Date: 4/30/21
Discharged To: Home with family
Length of Stay: 90 days
Reason for Stay: COVID-19
How did this patient hear about Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Referred from Hospital

Details of Experience:
Judith McConnell came to Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing from Hendersonville Medical Center due to weakness and shortness of breath from COVID-19. Ms. McConnell was not able to complete daily living tasks without her oxygen levels dropping. Hendersonville Medical Center referred the patient to our team, here at Gallatin Center, for intense Occupational and Physical Therapy prior to going home. 

Upon arrival, Ms. McConnell was greeted by the Director of Concierge, Therapy, Dietary, Social Worker, Activities, and many more. The patient arrived at Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on January 1st, 2021. When Judith arrived, she was on seven liters of oxygen and resting O2 saturations (sats) at 85%- 95%. She presented with decreased strength, activity tolerance and required assistance with self-care. Her O2 sats would drop when doing daily tasks. As of February 2021, Judith’s O2 sats would drop to 75% when making transfers. Our therapy department would institute goals each week for the patient to try and achieve. Therapy educated Judith with breathing techniques and when to take a break. As the weeks went on, the patient benefited from the skilled therapy and was highly motivated to participate in sessions and progress to her goals. She could do some tasks for a few minutes with her oxygen levels remaining in the ’90s. 

Judith McConnell met all of her goals and is discharging home with family.  As the Concierge visited Judith to capture her final words before being released, she stated:  “The therapy department was wonderful!”  “Manny in dietary always makes sure the food looks and tastes delicious.” “Nurse Mary and Misty are awesome, as well as the CNA, Maria!”  It is overall a great facility, and I am pleased with my stay.” 

Team Gallatin Center sends you well wishes and feels secure that any future obstacles you will overcome with strength!

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